On our way to a sustainable future, we are constantly looking for the most environmentally friendly products. As a replacement for conventional oil-based plastics, we have developed BioPanel. Completely plant-based and biodegradable.
We believe that corporate social responsibility is a prerequisite for a good business. Within AbelLeisure, we are therefore constantly looking to make our company and the products and services we provide more sustainable. For more info click here.
Cycling signposts in the province of Gelderland:
Together with the Wageningen University, AbelLeisure has developed a plate made of 100 % bio-based materials. This plate is composed of:
- Hemp fibres
- Thermoplastic biopolymer
This plate material forms the basis for route marking and information panels. At the end of their life, these panels undergo upcycling, this is by melting down the plate material into new route markings or information panels and eventually we can also compost them. This way, we own our own waste.